
nectar [ˈnektə(r)]  [ˈnɛktɚ] 

nectar 基本解释

名词花蜜; 琼浆玉液; (古希腊、罗马神话中的)众神饮的酒; 甘美的饮料


nectar 相关例句


1. Bees gather nectar and make it into honey.

2. The bees spend the summer collecting nectar and turning it into honey.

nectar 网络解释


1. 花蜜:系由年轻工蜂(WORKERBEE)将采集之花粉(POLLEN) 花蜜(NECTAR)经其嚼后,咽头腺所分泌的东西叫蜂王乳,只有吃蜂王乳的蜜蜂幼蜂会成为女王蜂, 蜂王食用蜂王乳后寿命比一般工蜂长达20倍.

2. 琼浆玉液:伽倪墨得斯也乐在其中,他穿梭在宴席间,轻盈的为众神斟满琼浆玉液(nectar),当轮到爱人宙斯时,伽倪墨得斯总是先斟满酒,然后举起酒杯在自己的唇上轻轻的碰触一下,再把杯子转半圈,递到宙斯的手中.

3. 花蜜酒:10# Blushed 胭脂 | 11# Nectar 花蜜酒 | 15# Desert Rose 糖心玫瑰

nectar 词典解释

1. nectar的意思

1. 花蜜
    Nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.

2. 甘露;(尤指酒类)琼浆玉液
    If you refer to a drink, especially an alcoholic drink, as nectar, you think it tastes very nice.

    e.g. Tony sipped from his glass. 'Mmm. Ambrosia. Nectar of the gods. Divine. Wonderful.'

nectar 单语例句

1. nectar

1. By doing so they would be adding nectar to the old world of journalism even as youths turn webs into forums of expression.

2. This nectar would sit on the stove for another hour or so to let the slow heat coax all nourishing goodness out of the ingredients.

3. With growing numbers of Beijingers consuming the delectable nectar known locally as " grape wine ", domestic products are also soaking up the benefits of a flourishing industry.

4. Once she begins laying, she is fed nectar by worker bees and kept in the hive all the time.

5. Another sweet soup popular in winter is my simmering pot of watercress nectar.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The report says the beautiful landscape has attracted large numbers of people, as well as bees rushing to gather some early nectar.

7. nectar在线翻译

7. The faintly aromatic watercress nectar could probably account for at least one of the recommended five portions of vegetables and fruits daily.

nectar 英英释义


1. (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods
    mortals who ate it became immortal

    Synonym: ambrosia

2. fruit juice especially when undiluted

3. a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators