
needles ['ni:dlz]  ['ni:dlz] 



needles 基本解释
松针;针( needle的名词复数 );指针;唱针;
needles 网络解释


1. 针:它設立於1964年9月12日,佔地約1400平方公里,共分为四個地方:天空之島(Island in the Sky),尖針(Needles),迷宮(Maze)和河流(The Rivers). 这个公园比较特别,四个景点都没直通路而且又大,想要从一个地方走到另一个地方, 必须要离开公园,

2. 尼德尔斯:起初设想的雕刻地点是布拉克山地区的尼德尔斯(Needles),那里有许多花岗岩柱可供雕刻. 然而后来博格勒姆发现尼德尔斯地区的花岗岩长年受侵蚀作用损耗,难以在上面雕刻如此巨大的作品. 而拉什穆尔山却符合雕刻的条件.

3. 折页顶针:needlerustofspruce 云杉叶锈病 | needles 折页顶针 | needlescaffold 挂脚手架 横架支托脚手架

4. 组装线工具利器(刀片,断针等)收发控制记录:6.4 不良品处理记录 Rejected goods... | 6.5 组装线工具利器(刀片,断针等)收发控制记录Procedure for controlling the use and recovery of hand tools, knives, needles, etc | 6.6 金属探测记录 Metal detection r...

needles 单语例句

1. Police inquired with every household in the building, but no neighbor would confess to having discarded of needles in such a careless fashion.

2. There are small and discreet carnivorous plants growing on the ground in litters of pine needles.

3. needles

3. Including small and discreet carnivorous plants growing in the litter of pine needles.

4. Sham acupuncture is a procedure designed to prevent patients from being able to detect if needles are actually inserted at treatment points.

5. needles的解释

5. Some were treated with normal acupuncture, in which needles are inserted at specific'energy points'in the skin.

6. needles的近义词

6. Dr Lawrence Chan takes out his kit of acupuncture needles and considers his patient, a beautiful chestnut thoroughbred mare.

7. needles是什么意思

7. Parading on a stage that was covered in pine needles, some contestants carried woven baskets or ceremonial candles from their home regions.

8. The doll has a heart made out of red cloth attached to its chest by two needles and a screw through its skull.

9. She said the needles of real trees fall off easily and it's hard to keep a clean room once they are bought back home.

10. needles的意思

10. Shared needles are the major cause of the spread of AIDS among addicts, the commission said.