1. 忘忧药:neoxanthin 新黄质 | nepenthe 忘忧药 | nepenthe 解忧苦之物
2. 使人忘忧的东西:neozoic 新生代的 | nepenthe 使人忘忧的东西 | nepenthic 忘忧的
3. 解忧苦之物:nepenthe 忘忧药 | nepenthe 解忧苦之物 | nepenthes 猪笼草
4. 忘忧草:源=source | 忘忧草=nepenthe | 忘=forget
1. Impressive benchmark white wine from top producer Nepenthe and another indication of the excellent wines from Adelaide Hills, this well-made Sauvignon Blanc wine has a clear pale yellow color with greenish tones, citrus, mineral and floral nose and generous flavors of tart grapefruit, peaches and grass with a touch of herbs; match this refreshing and stimulating wine with a variety of shellfish including Taiwanese deep-fried oysters, baby abalone and stewed eel; Nepenthe Wines specializes in high altitude viticulture and makes highly respected wines.
Nepenthe的高水准白酒之作,也是Adelaide Hills出产佳酿的另一指标。这支酿制相当好的白苏维浓拥有清澈的淡黄色泽且微带绿意,呈柑橘、矿物与花香,明显含有酸葡萄柚、水蜜桃、青草及些许香料草风味。可搭配多种有壳类水产,包括台式炸牡蛎、九孔及炖鳗。Nepenthe Wines酒庄致力於高海拔园区的葡萄种植,所出品的葡萄酒获得极高评价。
2. Let me quaff this kind Nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!
3. Viewed from a distance, the island of Nepenthe looked like a cloud.
4. When it was viewed from a distance the island of Nepenthe looked like a cloud.
5. Viewed from a distance, the island of Nepenthe like a cloud.
6. Nothing new. Re-organized Nepenthe's fanart sect., and changed HIT number.
7. Spoilt the sweet taste of the nepenthe, love.
8. She was committed to the Nepenthe Home six years ago, after a stroke.