nerve ending

nerve ending [nə:v ˈendiŋ]  [nɚv ˈɛndɪŋ] 

nerve ending 基本解释


nerve ending 网络解释

1. 神经末梢:锥体系在放射冠逐渐集中,至内囊最为集中,然后通过脑干腹侧,于延脑锥体部交叉到脊髓前角,最后传到神经末梢(nerve ending)触突部位,把运动冲动传递到全身骨骼肌,以完成各种复杂、精细的随意运动.

2. 六、神经末梢:五、神经纤维和神经Nerve Fiber and Nerve | 六、神经末梢Nerve Ending | 一、大脑皮质Cerebral Cortex

3. 神经终末:nerve cord 神经索 | nerve ending 神经终末 | nerve fiber 神经纤维

nerve ending 词典解释

1. 神经末梢
    Your nerve endings are the millions of points on the surface of your body and inside it which send messages to your brain when you feel sensations such as heat, cold, and pain.

nerve ending 英英释义


1. the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse

    Synonym: nerve end