
nestle [ˈnesl]  [ˈnɛsəl] 








nestle 基本解释

不及物动词安居,舒适地居住; 偎依,贴靠; 半隐半现地处于; [古语] 筑巢

及物动词满意地依偎或紧贴; 抱,放; 安置

nestle 相关例句



1. She nestled her head on his shoulder.


1. He nestled into a chair.

2. The kitten nestled up to its mother.

3. The child nestled up to its mother.

4. The little house nestled among the trees.

nestle 网络解释


1. 瑞士雀巢:受到关注的个股中,瑞士雀巢(Nestle)公司继表示同意以55亿美元收购诺华制药(Novartis)旗下嘉宝(Gerber)公司后上涨0.5%. 诺华据英国路透社(Reuters)的一份调查显示,欧洲央行预计将维持利率水平不变,但可能会暗示市场要为6月前升息做好准备.

2. 雀巢公司:雀 巢公司(Nestle)刚刚开始在印度销售其巧克力时,因为受于印度热浪滚滚的高温天气和恶劣的分销渠道,一年中超过9个月都是淡季. 巧克力在没有空调的小店铺里出售,而且直接暴露在太阳底下,商人们开玩笑说,雀巢巧克力最终被当作饮料出售了.

3. 雀巢集团:五、 安联集团是许多世界知名企业的股东和投资者,如:德国拜尔(Bayer),西门子(SIEMENS),戴姆勒.克莱斯勒(Daimler Chrysler),BMW集团,大众汽车(Volkswagen),雀巢集团(Nestle),慕尼黑再保险集团(Munich Re Group)等.

nestle 词典解释

1. (使)(舒适地)安顿下来,安卧,偎依
    If you nestle or are nestled somewhere, you move into a comfortable position, usually by pressing against someone or against something soft.

    e.g. John took one child into the crook of each arm and let them nestle against him...
    e.g. Jade nestled her first child in her arms.

2. (使)置于,坐落在(安全、有遮蔽之处)
    If something such as a building nestles somewhere or if it is nestled somewhere, it is in that place and seems safe or sheltered.

    e.g. Nearby, nestling in the hills, was the children's home...
    e.g. She nestled the eggs safely in the straw in Jim's basket.

nestle 单语例句

1. Nestle's food business in China has taken form through several rounds of acquisitions.

2. " That is the reason we donated books and some physical care equipments to them, " an employee from Nestle China told China Business Weekly.

3. Nestle also pointed out that its products are not on the Ministry of Agriculture list, which specifies that products be clearly labelled if containing GM food.

4. Shuangcheng Nestle Co said there were two other dairy companies in the city and farmers were not forced to deliver to Nestle.

5. Nestle - the world's largest food company by revenue - announced plans on Tuesday to introduce a coffee product made completely from Chinese coffee beans.

6. Lutz says Nestle's biggest competitor in the ice cream sector is still Yili and Mengniu, which have a combined market share of about 40 percent.

7. The deal will be completed after both companies complete the requisite ownership transaction procedures, a move that will help Nestle deepen its penetration into the Chinese market.

8. nestle是什么意思

8. The people behind Nestle also confess that many of the ice cream lovers are women who are concerned about their weight and health.

9. Its signature dishes include olive and pumpkin, bird's nestle congee and date cake.

10. Nestle added that research rules in the US require human subjects to give informed consent to being experimented on.

nestle 英英释义



1. a close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace

    Synonym: cuddle snuggle


1. move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position

    e.g. We cuddled against each other to keep warm
           The children snuggled into their sleeping bags

    Synonym: cuddle snuggle nest nuzzle draw close

2. position comfortably

    e.g. The baby nestled her head in her mother's elbow

    Synonym: snuggle

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3. lie in a sheltered position

    e.g. The little cottage nestles in the forest