news bulletin

news bulletin [nju:z ˈbulitin]  [nu:z ˈbʊlɪtn] 

news bulletin 基本解释
news bulletin 网络解释

1. 新闻:acid dye 酸性染料 | news bulletin 新闻 | railway junction 铁路联轨站

2. 新闻简报;新闻公告:NEWS BRIEF 简讯;简明新闻 | NEWS BULLETIN 新闻简报;新闻公告 | NEWS COMMENTARY 新闻评论

3. 新闻公报:nail varnish 指甲油 | news bulletin 新闻公报 | package holiday 一缆子度假计划

4. 新闻公告:fatality 死亡数 | news bulletin 新闻公告 | financial assistance 经济援助

news bulletin 单语例句

1. " Mullah Omar was killed on way from Quetta to North Waziristan, " TOLO television said in its news bulletin.

2. She said President Thabo Mbeki also found out from the news bulletin.

3. news bulletin的近义词

3. Australia's oldest news magazine The Bulletin was axed yesterday after 128 years, a victim of falling circulation.

4. The news group said that they blocked Wang because he regularly scolded others with abusive and insulting words on its bulletin board.

5. Online bulletin boards allow budding authors and artists to show their work, access international cultural news and critique one another.

6. news bulletin的意思

6. The late news bulletin on state television showed images of the sultan's coffin being buried in Sokoto by a crowd of men in white robes.

7. There was only one news bulletin on radio at 9 pm, most of which consisted of handouts by government departments.

news bulletin 英英释义


1. a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story

    Synonym: newsflash flash newsbreak