news leak

news leak

news leak 双语例句

1. If I leak out the news that you`ve been here, you`ll be finished.

news leak在线翻译

2. The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm.

3. He den that he have leak the news to the press.

4. He leak ed the news to the press.

news leak

5. The news of the radiation leak caused widespread alarm.

6. The news of the radiation leak caemploy widespread public alarm.

7. An administrator's decision to issue a press release, hold a news conference, grant an interview, or " leak " a story to the press is usually made informally, yet these publicity-generating activities can be as potent as a formal rule or order.

8. According to the official news a few days ago, the satellite might leak out toxic substances, and the debris might cause environmental pollution.

9. Less than two months ago at a pork processor in south China, for example, around 400 people were endangered by an ammonia leak like the one blamed for Monday's fire, according to the official news agency Xinhua.

news leak是什么意思

10. System can identify illegal enter, gas leak, fire lamp multiple types of accidents, and in many ways warned about news;

news leak 单语例句

1. George Pataki and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly raised concerns about the possible leak, first reported in the Daily News.

2. Iran's government sometimes uses the news agency to leak information deemed too sensitive for official channels.