next world

next world [nekst wɜː(r)ld]  [nɛkst wɜrld] 

next world 基本解释
next world 网络解释

1. 新世界:Next World 新世界 | By EvilThorn 创作: 恶刺乐队 | Give pain,Succeed to your homeland 我将施舍痛苦,使其遍布汝之家园

2. (翻译版):Next World (翻译版) | Next World 新世界 | By EvilThorn 创作: 恶刺乐队

next world 单语例句

1. next world的反义词

1. Visiting the World Expo in Shanghai is regarded as one of the best things to do next year by the book.

2. Some time in the latter part of the next decade this socialist state will overtake capitalist America to become the world's richest nation.

3. next world的近义词

3. The biggest chunk was to come from the World Bank, which pledged $ 6 million in the next two weeks and $ 61 million in December.

4. Sullivan expects to clash with Phelps in the 50 and 100 freestyles at next year's world championships and warned the American of stiffer competition ahead.

5. next world的翻译

5. Beckham will start with a clean slate for the next World Cup qualifying games.

6. To celebrate the opening of the World Expo 2010, the top symphonies have been scheduled to coincide with the event's launch next May.

7. The English squad returns to 2006 World Cup qualifying in September while Colombia's bid to reach Germany next year resumes Saturday at home against Peru.

8. The world has to focus its attention on where the next wave of growth will come from and how it will happen.

9. Almost all of the world's top skaters are expected to come to Beijing next month.

10. next world

10. She will also take the World Traders and London's Lord Mayor to a trade conference in Shanghai next September.