
nice [naɪs]  [naɪs] 



nice 基本解释

形容词美好的,愉快的; 正派的; 友好的,亲切的; 细致的

nice 同义词


形容词pleasing good fine satisfactory desirable gratifying agreeable enjoyable

nice 反义词


形容词ugly coarse nasty

nice 相关例句


1. He is very nice in his food.

2. He was nice to us.

3. A nice girl would never go there.

4. You've got us into a nice mess.

5. The nice distinction in appearance between the twins did not escape him.

nice 情景对话



A:Happy Valentine’s Day!

B:That’s nice of you.


A:Have a nice (flight/ trip/ time)!

B:See you!


A:Happy Valentine’s Day! Could I treat you to dinner tonight?

B:That’s nice of you.

nice 网络解释

1. 漂亮:300C和道奇的红色跑车. 由于最后一个镜头是A1,所以CNN的男主持就问女主持,你觉得这小车怎样?女主持接话说,一辆漂亮(nice)的小车!虽然感觉只是随意的答话,但至少给所有看了这个新闻的人奇瑞车一个较好的印象. 在此,为奇瑞喝彩.

2. nice:network information control exchange; 网络信息控制交换

3. nice:non inflationary consistent expansion; 无通胀协调一致增长

4. nice:national insurance corporation of eritrea; 厄特国家保险公司

5. nice:the national institute of clinical excellence; 英国国家临床规范协会

nice 词典解释

1. 吸引人的;美好的;令人愉快的
    If you say that something is nice, you mean that you find it attractive, pleasant, or enjoyable.

    e.g. I think silk ties can be quite nice...
    e.g. It's nice to be here together again...

He's just written a book, nicely illustrated and not too technical...
The horse jumps nicely.

2. (常用于表示谢意)好心的,体贴人的
    If you say that it is nice of someone to say or do something, you are saying that they are being kind and thoughtful. This is often used as a way of thanking someone.

    e.g. It's awfully nice of you to come all this way to see me...
    e.g. 'How are your boys?' — 'How nice of you to ask.'...

3. 友好的;亲切的;可爱的
    If you say that someone is nice, you mean that you like them because they are friendly and pleasant.

    e.g. I've met your father and he's rather nice...
    e.g. He was a nice fellow, very quiet and courteous.

Mr Pearce was rather bowled over by his niceness, his concern and his ordinariness.

4. (对人)友好的,亲切的
    If you are nice to people, you are friendly, pleasant, or polite towards them.

    e.g. She met Mr and Mrs Ricciardi, who were very nice to her.

He treated you very nicely and acted like a decent guy.

5. (天气)温暖的,宜人的
    When the weather is nice, it is warm and pleasant.

    e.g. He nodded to us and said, 'Nice weather we're having.'

6. (用于加强语气)美好的,令人喜爱的
    You can use nice to emphasize a particular quality that you like.

    e.g. With a nice dark colour, the wine is medium to full bodied...
    e.g. People have got used to nice glossy magazines...

7. (观点、区别等)细致的,微妙的,精细的
    A nice point or distinction is very clear, precise, and based on good reasoning.

    e.g. Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?

I think this puts the problem very nicely.

8. nice的反义词

8. (用于打招呼)很高兴见到你
      You can use nice when you are greeting people. For example, you can say 'Nice to meet you', 'Nice to have met you', or 'Nice to see you'.

      e.g. Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend...
      e.g. 'It's so nice to see you,' said Charles.

9. (表示称赞)真不错,真妙,真棒
      If someone says nice one, they are showing their approval of something clever or funny that they have just seen or heard.

      e.g. Knowles became Torquay's manager. Nice one.

nice 单语例句

1. Shrimp turns red and vegetables smell nice in a few minutes by stirring them with a pot of high temperature stones.

2. I got into a nice stride and hit a few good shots coming in.

3. This is what local agents call " a very nice market ", and last month their area had a week of free worldwide publicity.

4. nice的解释

4. " It would be nice to get everybody healthy at the same time, " Cartwright said.

5. nice的反义词

5. Black caviar and pickled daikon radish gave the neutral freshness of the fish a nice salty compliment.

6. They said they loved the nice weather, the small town of Cedar City and hospitable friends.

7. nice的近义词

7. It is such a nice centennial building with a rare, authentic feel.

8. The event will also have something for those who like a strong drink, whether it is German beer or a nice Chablis.

9. It's so nice that several attendees are out there enjoying glasses of champagne with their smokes before the doors to the theater even open.

10. So you're kind of given a chance and it's really nice to be given that chance.