
nigh [naɪ]  [naɪ] 



nigh 基本解释


副词几乎; 接近地; 靠近地; 在附近地

形容词近的; 直接的

介词在…附近; 近于

nigh 相关例句


1. It's well nigh impossible to convince him.

2. He was nigh upon 20 miles.

3. The time has drawn nigh.

nigh 网络解释

1. 附近的:nigh on 接近地 | nigh 附近的 | night after night 一夜又一夜

2. 近:nickname 外号 | nigh 近 | night 夜晚

3. 其中第一节中:This bleak world alone?这荒冷的世上独自凄凉? | 其中第一节中alone, gone;nigh,sigh; | 第二节中stem,sleeping,them;scatter,bed,dead;

4. 午夜噩梦:171 武藏严流传 ganryu | 172 午夜噩梦 Nigh | 206 大师赛车 Mille Miglia 1

nigh 词典解释

1. 即将发生;接近地
    If an event is nigh, it will happen very soon.

    e.g. The end of the world may be nigh, but do we really care?...
    e.g. The storm must still be nigh, she thought.

2. (数量、数字或年龄)将近,接近
    Nigh on an amount, number, or age means almost that amount, number, or age.

    e.g. I've been one of your number one fans for nigh on three years now...
    e.g. I had to pay nigh on forty pounds for it.

nigh 单语例句

1. The next carnival of a presidential election in the US is nigh and is likely to substantially revolve around an " Ogre " called China.


2. But this is well nigh impossible, given the first quarter energy consumption figures.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. By making the decision known to the public, the government made it well nigh impossible for managers to fiddle with the relief funds.

4. nigh的翻译

4. Coping with one of the duo is possible but tethering both is nigh on impossible.

nigh 英英释义


1. not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances

    e.g. near neighbors
           in the near future
           they are near equals
           his nearest approach to success
           a very near thing
           a near hit by the bomb
           she was near tears
           she was close to tears
           had a close call

    Synonym: near close


1. (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished
    all but

    e.g. the job is (just) about done
           the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded
           we're almost finished
           the car all but ran her down
           he nearly fainted
           talked for nigh onto 2 hours
           the recording is well-nigh perfect
           virtually all the parties signed the contract
           I was near exhausted by the run
           most everyone agrees

    Synonym: about almost most nearly near virtually well-nigh


2. near in time or place or relationship

    e.g. as the wedding day drew near
           stood near the door
           don't shoot until they come near
           getting near to the true explanation
           her mother is always near
           The end draws nigh
           the bullet didn't come close
           don't get too close to the fire

    Synonym: near close