
nightmares ['naɪtmeəz]  ['naɪtmerz] 


nightmares 基本解释
噩梦( nightmare的名词复数 );<口>可怕的事情,无法摆脱的恐惧;
nightmares 网络解释


1. 梦魇:是指深眠状态下出现的精神或行为异常,如睡行症(sleepwalking)、睡惊症(sleeopterrors)、梦魇(nightmares)、逼真的梦(vividdreams)、说梦话(sleeptalking)及快速动眼睡眠行为障碍(REMsleepbehaviordisorder,RBD)等,其中最常见和最引起关注的就是RBD了.

2. 噩梦:表-1.PTSD核心症状反复出现创伤经历:回闪(flashbacks)噩梦(nightmares)触景生情、反应过度回避和情绪木纳:兴趣丧失对外界漠然处之情绪压抑警觉性增高:很难入睡和注意力集中困难烦躁不安或暴怒提心吊胆

3. 鬼灵精怪:Nightmare on Elm Street, A 猛鬼街 1985 | Nightmares 鬼灵精怪 1983 | Nightwing 吸血蝙蝠 1980

4. (他有时做噩梦. ):He?wakes?during?the?night?or?early?morning?and?finds?it?difficult?to?fall?asleep?again.(他晚间或清... | He?has?nightmares?occasionally.(他有时做噩梦. )? | He?urinates?more?frequently?than?usual.(他小便...

nightmares 单语例句

1. He then sat in a coffee shop to wait for the woman of his dreams but all he got were the policemen of his nightmares.

2. Eva Mendez endured countless sleepless nights while making new comic book movie Ghost Rider, because the creepy film kept giving her nightmares.

3. CHICAGO - The nightmares didn't start until months after Alicia Flores returned home.

4. They are so haunted by timecard machines that they are regularly pulled from sleep by recurring nightmares about being late.

5. nightmares什么意思

5. Mr Whiteside now suffers from insomnia and has been constantly woken by nightmares since the attack took place.

6. " That's the cause of lots of nightmares, " says Dr Edward Kaplan.

7. And she says she now suffers from repeated nightmares and feels scared when alone and reacts with fear to loud noises.

8. Nightmares of the unrest have produced a collective longing for peace and a return to normality.

9. nightmares是什么意思

9. Now that we have a strong nation, we should not be haunted by the nightmares of history.

10. nightmares

10. As tensions began to ease on Saturday, residents in the traditionally tranquil plateau city recalled the nightmares they went through.