
nighttime ['naɪttaɪm]  ['naɪtˌtaɪm] 

nighttime 基本解释



nighttime 反义词



nighttime 网络解释


1. 夜间:night-walking noctambulation ==> 梦行症 | nighttime ==> 夜間 | nighttime visual range ==> 夜视距离

2. 昼夜:.白天[Daytime> | .昼夜[Nighttime> | .日常的[Day-to-day>

3. 夜间,夜里,在夜间:nighttide,夜潮,夜间,夜里 | nighttime,夜间,夜里,在夜间 | sunset,傍晚,日落,衰微,晚年

4. 夜里:nightstool 卧室用便器 | nighttime 夜里 | nighttimenightime 夜间

nighttime 单语例句

1. The nighttime starting times of these matches offer bars the chance to really rake in the cash.

2. That kind of nighttime celebration is unthinkable this year for most Somalis, who are enduring the worst famine in a generation.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. It allows for a nighttime curfew and gives the government extra powers to make arrests without warrants and launch police and military operations.

4. nighttime的反义词

4. The decree includes a nighttime curfew and gives the government additional power to make arrests and launch military or police operations.

5. A nighttime curfew also was in place, apparently to block extremist groups that plant roadside bombs under cover of darkness.

6. nighttime的解释

6. The government on Monday imposed a nighttime curfew in Baghdad's Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City, the scene of heavy battles in the past few days.

7. The Beijing Evening News yesterday cited the bureau's findings that nighttime levels could be up to 20 times higher than peaks during the daylight hours.

8. Experts say heat waves often become deadly when the nighttime temperature does not drop much from the highest daytime temperature.


9. The heartbreaking tale of their relationship is communicated through flashbacks and the nighttime reading of the woman's deathbed letter.

10. At nighttime, the use of fire brings out the beautiful scenery.

nighttime 英英释义


1. the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside

    Synonym: night dark