
no-nonsense [ˈnəuˈnɔnsəns]  [noˈnɑnˌsɛns, -səns] 

no-nonsense 基本解释


no-nonsense 网络解释


1. 实际的:no-no 禁忌 | no-nonsense 实际的 | no-one 没有一个

2. 严肃的:judging a book by its cover以貌取人 | no-nonsense严肃的 | assumptions假想

no-nonsense 词典解释

1. 讲究实际的;直截了当的;不容胡闹的
    If you describe someone as a no-nonsense person, you approve of the fact that they are efficient, direct, and quite tough.

    e.g. She saw herself as a direct, no-nonsense modern woman.

2. 简单实用的
    If you describe something as a no-nonsense thing, you approve of the fact that it is plain and does not have unnecessary parts.

    e.g. You'll need no-nonsense boots for the jungle.

no-nonsense 英英释义


1. not tolerating irrelevancies

    e.g. the no-nonsense tones of a stern parent