
non [nɒn]  [nɒn] 

non 基本解释
non 网络解释

1. 挪威语:韩语Kor | 挪威语Non | 波兰语Plk

non 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Another non sequitur to the reunification issue is the carping of the disparity of wealth distribution in China.

2. Despite the December chill outside, the bar has a great buzz as local bands play The Beatles songs non stop.

3. China and the European Union share common interest and responsibilities in non - proliferation.

4. Viet Nam confines its contact with Taiwan to the level of non - official trade and economic exchanges and never develops official relations with Taiwan.

5. The two sides will also issue a joint statement on non - proliferation and arms control, he said.

6. The subsidy rises to 1 percent when city residents with the demolition fund buy a unit of non - luxury housing.

7. non的反义词

7. The agreement signed in Nairobi late Wednesday will also remove non tariff barriers and allow free movement of food and trade in the region.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Washington retaliated by expelling four Russian diplomats and pronouncing 46 others persona non grata.

9. It has played an important role in nuclear non - proliferation and nuclear export control.

10. Export tax rebate for non - ferrous metals and furniture will be raised to 13 percent, according to the notice.

non 英英释义


1. negation of a word or group of words

    e.g. he does not speak French
           she is not going
           they are not friends
           not many
           not much
           not at all

    Synonym: not