nose to nose

nose to nose [nəuz tu: nəuz]  [noz tu noz] 

nose to nose 基本解释


nose to nose 网络解释

1. 面对面:nose over (飞机)翻身, 机首着地而翻转 | nose to nose 面对面 | nose up (飞机机首朝上)升起; 使升起

2. 面对面,迎面:mouth to mouth 口对口 | nose-to-nose 面对面,迎面 | shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地,齐心协力地

3. 面对面的:neutrality 中立地位 | nose to nose 面对面的 | oil-for-food (伊拉克)以石油换食品

4. 鼻尖相互触碰:The devil will find you too 恶魔将会拥有你 | Nose to nose 鼻尖相互触碰 | Eyes on the clouds 双眼凝视云端

nose to nose 单语例句

1. It is comparable to the proverbial intrusion of the camel's nose into the hapless traveler's tent.

2. When his girlfriend was singing, he suddenly placed a chloroform towel on her nose and tried to intoxicate her.

3. He'll probably be happy to be just a nose ahead of his next competitor when he has his first race in Rome.


4. My doctor gives me nasal sprays to stop my running nose but he warns me that the medicine is composed of steroids.

5. However, in no way should we copy the Western model from nose to toe.

6. But her fake nose grew swollen and discharged puss as the surgical wound began to crack about eight weeks later.

7. If we had been strict about the rules, one guy would have had to leave his nose on the curtain a meter away.

8. As Berlusconi remained hospitalized with a broken nose and two broken teeth, officials pledged to review security measures while deflecting mounting criticism of the premier's bodyguards.

9. The Serbian began practising only two weeks before the start of the Hopman Cup after having nose surgery in November to cure breathing problems.

10. The experts say the easiest way to catch a cold is to touch your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed.