1. not often
1. Officials in nearby counties said they have not seen panicked customers buying up iodine tablets or other substances often used as protection against radiation.
2. More often than not they will come after you or call you back to the stall with a cheaper price.
3. Since most of these projects do not have cash flow problems, the resistance often crops up when the Chinese investors want to take a controlling stake.
4. not often的意思
4. Li did not catch a cold often, and had no heart murmurs.
5. She also always looks good and smiles for the cameras, often with a glint in her eye that Catherine does not have.
6. The Galileo case is often seen starkly as science's first decisive blow against not only faith but also the power of the Roman Catholic Church.
7. Since small farmers often feed their cattle whatever they grow on their farms, the protein content in the milk is not stable.
8. Often they change and adapt to become part of a new heritage - but they are certainly not forgotten.
9. Young couples are often taken up by their professional obligations and cite one excuse or another not to go back home for Spring Festival.
10. The trash is often privately sorted and treated by individuals and households using various clandestine methods not considered environmentally friendly.