not turn a hair

not turn a hair [nɔt tə:n ə hɛə]  [nɑt tɚn e hɛr] 

not turn a hair 基本解释

动词不动声色; 镇定自若

not turn a hair 网络解释


1. 不动声色:not to mention 更不用说 | not turn a hair 不动声色 | not worth the salt 无能;不称职

2. 毫不惊慌,不动声色:make sb.'s hair curl; make sb.'s hair stand (up) on end使人毛骨悚然 | not turn a hair毫不惊慌,不动声色 | not a half非常出色的,特大的

3. 竟然一点也不惊奇,畏惧,惊慌等:2. The horror story she read made her hair stand on end . 她读的这个恐怖故事使... | not turn a hair 竟然一点也不惊奇,畏惧,惊慌等 | 1.He didn't turn a hair to hear the severe sentence.听到严厉的判决,他一...

4. 泰然自若;毫不惊慌;面不改色 put one's foot down 坚定立场;抱定主... | 12.not turn a hair 泰然自若;毫不惊慌;面不改色 | He didn't turn a hair when I told him that his wife had been seriously injured. 当我告诉他他妻子受伤很重时,...