1. 公证行:最后在经公证行(NOTARY)盖章才算完成,预计至少需费时数周时间,但乌克兰体育部突於六月十九日通知台湾瀚亚於二十日下午前完成文件验证,否则将取消议约,如此要求既不合法,也不合理.
2. 公证方/公证者:公证权标 notarization token | 公证方/公证者 notary | 笔记本电脑 Notebook PC
1. 公证人(通常为律师)
A notary or a notary public is a person, usually a lawyer, who has legal authority to witness the signing of documents in order to make them legally valid.
e.g. She is the town clerk and a certified public accountant and notary public.
1. The lottery case is a reminder that an overhaul is badly needed to put the notary system on a healthy track.
2. notary什么意思
2. The change aims to select notary officials from among legal administrative employees with a better knowledge of legal affairs.
3. notary什么意思
3. A notary service will cost more than what I had on the card.
4. Notary services are currently regulated by a central government decree made in 1982.
5. 911查询·英语单词
5. Police carried the sealed boxes to a gymnasium, where the votes were counted under the supervision of residents'representatives and notary officials.
6. The notary office said it refused to handle the case because it was impractical to guarantee words of intangibility.
7. Brazil's ruling sets a judicial precedent that must be honored by all public institutions, including notary publics where civil unions must be registered.
8. A notary office in Jiangsu province turned down a woman who tried to notarize text messages sent to her husband by his mistress.
9. Dong has damaged the public trust in the country's notary system.
10. notary什么意思
10. Top provincial top officials said any officials in local sports administration and notary organs involved in the case must be punished.
1. someone legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document's validity and to take depositions
Synonym: notary public