
novel [ˈnɒvl]  [ˈnɑ:vl]


novel 基本解释

名词(长篇)小说; [法]新法,附律

形容词新奇的; 异常的

novel 相关例句


1. She came up with a novel solution to the problem.

2. It's a novel idea.

3. He's full of novel ideas.


1. Dickens wrote many novels.

2. He has written several novels.

novel 词典解释

1. novel的反义词

1. (长篇)小说
    A novel is a long written story about imaginary people and events.

    e.g. ...a novel by Herman Hesse...
    e.g. ...historical novels set in the time of the Pharaohs.

2. 新的;新奇的;新颖的
    Novel things are new and different from anything that has been done, experienced, or made before.

    e.g. Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices...
    e.g. The very idea of a sixth form college was novel in 1962.

novel 单语例句


1. The vineyard is such a novel and successful venture that it now features in the MBA program of Harvard Business School.

2. Hailed by critic Bai Ye as " probably the best Chinese novel on extramarital affairs ", the book tells of a single businesswoman and a married university professor.

3. The actress stars opposite Daniel Craig in the movie, which is based on the Swedish novel of the same name by Stieg Larsson.

4. The film is based on the 2003 novel of the same name by author Dennis Lehane.

5. novel的近义词

5. Our definitions of virtue have changed as time goes by, but the novel has appealed to generations of readers.

6. novel的解释

6. Zhang pictured the image of a good cadre in his novel " The State Cadre ", whom he believes represents the majority of Chinese cadres.

7. In the novel, the writer discusses the issue of capital punishment.

8. novel

8. " Reading the novel is like watching a captivating TV series, " literary critic Lei Da said at a recent seminar in Beijing.

9. But Rowling's new adult novel The Casual Vacancy is still popular among Chinese readers.

10. This is not a novel idea as Taiwan has garrisoned Taiping Island, which is the largest and centrally located island in the South Sea.

novel 英英释义


1. novel的意思

1. a printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction

    e.g. his bookcases were filled with nothing but novels
           he burned all the novels

2. an extended fictional work in prose
    usually in the form of a story


1. pleasantly new or different

    e.g. common sense of a most refreshing sort

    Synonym: refreshing

2. novel

2. original and of a kind not seen before

    e.g. the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem

    Synonym: fresh new