nuclear force

nuclear force [ˈnju:kliə fɔ:s]  [ˈnukliɚ fɔrs] 

nuclear force 基本解释


nuclear force 网络解释

1. 核力:高能物理的产生,主要起源於对核力(Nuclear force)性质的探讨. 一九三○年左右,当物理学家解决了原子结构的问题以后,他们的注意力自然地就转到在原子中心的原子核去. 一九三二年,海森堡(W. Heisenberg)提出原子核是由质子和中子组成的理论,

2. 核子力:nuclear force 核力 | nuclear force 核子力 | nuclear fuel 核燃料

3. 核裂变:核能级 nuclear fission | 核裂变 nuclear force | 核力 nuclear fusion

4. 核力=>核力:nuclear fluorination ==> 环上氟代反应 | nuclear force ==> 核力=>核力 | nuclear force function ==> 核力函数

nuclear force 单语例句

1. Yang said China has always supported the early entry into force of the CTBT and will continue to honor its moratorium commitment on nuclear testing.

2. Clinton said the sanctions seek to prevent Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and to force it to comply with its international obligations.

3. Some US congressmen said the new unilateral sanction bill was the biggest hope to force Iran to abandon its nuclear activities.

4. nuclear force的近义词

4. The display of force comes days after the US and its allies warned Iran over a newly revealed nuclear facility it was constructing.

5. The force has formed its own unique series of weaponry and equipment, comprising both nuclear and conventional missiles of various types and ranges.

6. nuclear force的意思

6. The situation on the Korean Peninsula requires a comprehensive regional and global response, and trying to force Pyongyang to unilaterally abandon its nuclear weapons development program is unrealistic.

7. nuclear force在线翻译

7. The United States has said it wants to resolve Iran's nuclear dispute with West diplomatically, but has refused to rule out using force if diplomacy fails.

8. Their library research into experimental results convinced them that this " Law " was valid for electromagnetic interactions and for the strong nuclear force.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. The passing of the law does not force the government to resume uranium enrichment immediately but puts pressure on it to pursue nuclear goals.

10. Pyongyang's goal is to force the international community to acknowledge it as a nuclear state, he noted.