nuclear fusion

nuclear fusion [ˈnju:kliə ˈfju:ʒən]  [ˈnukliɚ ˈfjuʒən] 

nuclear fusion 基本解释

nuclear fusion的翻译

名词核聚变; 核子融合

nuclear fusion 网络解释

1. 核聚变:(完)核聚变(Nuclear Fusion)用来做能源应该三十年内见到,到时石油及煤等商品会变作另类用途. 至於反物质(Anti-matters)方面,就至少系 50年后的事了. cd-rom 写:核聚变(Nuclear Fusion)用来做能源应该三十年内见到,到时石油及煤等商品会变作另类用途.

2. 核融合:亲性状的、遗传性稳定的融合子(fusant)的过程.1.异核体(heterocaryon)形成2.核融合(nuclear fusion)和杂合二倍体的形成3.体细胞交换(somatic crossing-over)与单倍体化菌种退化(degeneration)是指群体中退化细胞在数量上占一定数值后,

3. 核熔合:原子弹是来自原子核分裂(atomic fission)所产生的能量,氢弹是在核熔合(nuclear fusion)的过程中,将部分的质量转换成能量(注七). 一如爱因斯坦著名的公式E=MC2,质量与能量是可以互换的.

4. 核子熔合:1.氢变到氦的核子熔合(nuclear fusion)原子能有二种. 第一种是核子分裂,如铀分裂之后就发生大量的能源. 另一种就是核子熔合,就是较轻的元素在高能量之下熔合成为较重的元素,在这个过程中释放大量的能量. 星球之所以有光有热,如太阳,

nuclear fusion 单语例句

1. Scientists have studied the feasibility of using deuterium or heavy hydrogen from seawater to create nuclear fusion.

2. World leading nuclear scientists spoke highly of China's experimental thermonuclear fusion reactor, which has been undergoing tests since September 28.

3. nuclear fusion什么意思

3. Fusion energy is believed to be much safer and more environmentally friendly than traditional nuclear power plants that use nuclear fission.

4. nuclear fusion的意思

4. Nuclear fusion is different from nuclear fission, the reaction used in most nuclear power stations at the moment.

5. nuclear fusion

5. White dwarfs result from the collapse of star cores in dying stars whose nuclear fusion has ceased.

6. The device is described as an " artificial sun " as it will create conditions similar to those occurring in solar nuclear fusion reactions.

7. nuclear fusion的近义词

7. The official said the fusion has nothing to do with making nuclear bombs.

8. Controlled nuclear fusion replicates the energy generation process of the sun and is nicknamed'artificial sun'.

nuclear fusion 英英释义

nuclear fusion的解释


1. nuclear fusion是什么意思

1. a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy

    Synonym: fusion nuclear fusion reaction