
nucleus [ˈnju:kliəs]  [ˈnu:kliəs] 


nucleus 基本解释


名词中心,核心; (原子)核; 起点,开始; [微]细胞核

nucleus 相关例句


1. It is possible to transplant chromosomes in cell nuclei.

2. These councils would form the nucleus of a future regime.

nucleus 网络解释

1. 神经核:在白质中还存在一些灰质,由功能相同的神经细胞胞体集合而成,称为神经核(nucleus). 大脑两半球内部存在各种的神经纤维,以便大脑两半球各部位间进行联系(如大脑回与回之间,叶与叶之间的联系纤维)、两个半球之间进行联系(如胼胝体纤维),

2. 原子核:原子核(nucleus)也简称「核」,指原子中心的稠密部分,由数目接近的质子与中子结合而成. 核子(nucleon)则是指组成原子核的粒子,亦即质子与中子的统称. 因此「核」与「核子」虽然只差一个字,两者意义却天差地远. 然而考虑到中文的习惯,

nucleus 词典解释

1. (原子)核
    The nucleus of an atom or cell is the central part of it.

    e.g. Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.

2. (组织的)核心,中心
    The nucleus of a group of people or things is the small number of members which form the most important part of the group.

    e.g. The Civic Movement could be the nucleus of a centrist party of the future.

nucleus 单语例句

1. The team created the beagles by infecting dog fibroblast cells with a virus that inserted the fluorescent gene into the cell nucleus.

2. nucleus的解释

2. The new technique seeks to condense and transfer only the donor's genetic material to a surrogate's egg instead of an entire cell nucleus.

3. The nucleus was then transferred to another dog's egg cell whose nucleus had been removed.

4. Researchers used a technology known as chromatin transfer, in which Nicky's DNA was transplanted into an egg cell whose nucleus had been removed.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The nucleus is replaced through a microscopic glass tube by the nucleus of a cell from the animal to be cloned.

6. Each egg had its nucleus replaced by a whole human embryonic stem cell from a batch held at the UK stem cell bank.

7. nucleus

7. Hwang succeeded in cloning the eight coyotes by transferring the nucleus of somatic cells from a donor coyote to a dog's eggs.

8. The images also showed the comet has a fragile and weak nucleus.

9. In an institution where the administrative leaders assume full responsibility, the primary Party organization acts as the political nucleus.

10. He further elaborated the law of the unity of opposites, the nucleus of Marxist dialectics.

nucleus 英英释义



1. the central structure of the lens that is surrounded by the cortex

    Synonym: lens nucleus

2. a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction

    Synonym: cell nucleus karyon

3. any histologically identifiable mass of neural cell bodies in the brain or spinal cord

4. a small group of indispensable persons or things

    e.g. five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program

    Synonym: core core group

5. nucleus

5. the positively charged dense center of an atom

6. (astronomy) the center of the head of a comet
    consists of small solid particles of ice and frozen gas that vaporizes on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail