
numbat ['nʌmbæt]  ['nʌmbæt] 

numbat 基本解释
numbat 网络解释

1. 食蚁兽:一旦研究人员还原受损的标本基因密码,就会将基因的蓝图植入袋狼的近亲袋獾(Tasmanian devil)或袋食蚁兽(Numbat)的卵子中进行培育. 虽然目前世界许多地方都有克隆绝种动物的计画,但澳洲的袋狼克隆计画是第一个能够取得良好品质DNA样本的研究计画.

2. (豸歮)袋:(豸歮)袋 numbat | (耳郭)狐 fennec | (鼠各)鼠 chinchilla rat

numbat 双语例句


1. The numbat, a marsupial, is also likely to lose its habitat in the forests of south-western Australi a.


2. Both geologists are relieved to be able to report that they find no useful minerals, thereby preserving the numbat's territory.

3. Rusty the Nimble Numbat is discovered by a pair of geologists.


4. This is a collection of six short stories, each featuring a different Australian animal, Harry the Hairy Nosed Wombat, Rufus the Red Kangaroo, Bobuck the Mountain Possum, Kolo the Bush Koala, Percy the Peaceful Platypus and Rusty the Nimble Numbat.
    这是一本收集6篇短篇故事的小说,每一个以一种不同的澳洲动物为特色,有毛的袋熊Harry,红大袋鼠Rufus,山负鼠 Bobuck,灌木无尾熊 Kolo,和平鸭嘴兽Percy和敏捷的袋食蚁兽Rusty。

5. The numbat, a marsupial, is also likely to lose its habitat in the forests of south-western Australia.

numbat 英英释义



1. small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong claws for feeding on termites
    nearly extinct

    Synonym: banded anteater anteater Myrmecobius fasciatus