
oats [əʊts]  [oʊts] 



oats 基本解释


名词燕麦; 燕麦粥

oats 网络解释


1. 麥片:添加人体必需的维生素和各种微量营养成份,制成一种即食片状早餐平衡营养食品. 符合我国人民消费习惯,是一种老少皆宜的好食品. 该技术已获得国家专利和欧洲专利. 燕麦片(oats)、黑麦片(Black wheat)加工技术、工艺

2. 燕麥 / 燕麦:Organic Rye Alcohol / 乙醇 / 乙醇 | Oats / 燕麥 / 燕麦 | Shea Butter / 乳木果油 / 乳木果油

3. 不含玉米、小麥、米、燕麥、大麥、小米:No more protein concentrates 不使用蛋白質濃縮物 | No more corn, wheat, rice, oats, barley or millet 不含玉米、小麥、米、燕麥、大麥、小米 | Only hormone-free fresh meats 只用不含荷爾蒙、生長激素的新鮮肉塊

4. oats:open area test sites; 开阔场

5. oats:open area test site; 开阔试验场oats

oats 词典解释
The form oat is used as a modifier. oat 用作修饰语。

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 燕麦
    Oats are a cereal crop or its grains, used for making biscuits or a food called porridge, or for feeding animals.

    e.g. Oats provide good, nutritious food for horses.
    e.g. ...oat bran.

2. (尤指在性方面)放荡不羁,尽情玩乐
    If a young person sows their wild oats, they behave in a rather uncontrolled way, especially by having a lot of sexual relationships.

    e.g. The kids need to sow a few wild oats.

oats 单语例句

1. oats的反义词

1. Wild Oats XI won an unprecedented line honours victory for the fourth successive year in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race on Sunday.

2. They ended up planting potatoes and naked oats for five years, interrupting their education to " learn from farmers ".

3. oats什么意思

3. The straw is made from the remainders of their wheat and oats.

4. Make your own muesli with plain rolled oats, dried fruits and unsalted seeds and nuts.

5. For best results, toss the soaked oats with the dressing and refrigerate overnight.

6. oats的意思

6. It imports more than 800 types of germplasm genetic resources for oats and rye.

7. oats是什么意思

7. Drain through a strainer and press the oats against the strainer with the back of your spoon to extract water.