
oblige [əˈblaɪdʒ]  [əˈblaɪdʒ] 







oblige 基本解释

及物动词强制,强迫; 使负债务; 使感激; 施惠于

不及物动词施恩惠; 帮忙,效劳

oblige 同义词


动词obligate compel bind accommodate

oblige 反义词


及物动词free liberate release disoblige

oblige 相关例句



1. We're much obliged to you for your information.

2. I was obliged to abandon that idea.

3. Please oblige me by turning down the radio.

4. Could you oblige me with ten yuan?

5. Circumstances oblige me to do that.

oblige 网络解释


1. 强制,使受束缚:obligatory 强制的 | oblige 强制,使受束缚 | oblique 不直接,斜的,间接,迂曲的

2. 不得不:need需要 | oblige不得不 | order命令

3. 强迫:oblige 迫使 责成 | oblige 强迫 | oblige 责成

oblige 词典解释

1. (形势、规定或法律)强迫,迫使
    If you are obliged to do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.

    e.g. The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot...
    e.g. This decree obliges unions to delay strikes.

2. 施恩惠于;帮…的忙
    To oblige someone means to be helpful to them by doing what they have asked you to do.

    e.g. If you ever need help with the babysitting, I'd be glad to oblige...
    e.g. We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers...

3. 感激不尽;不胜感激
    People sometimes use obliged in expressions such as 'much obliged' or 'I am obliged to you' when they want to indicate that they are very grateful for something.

    e.g. Much obliged for your assistance...
    e.g. Thank you very much indeed, Doctor, I am extremely obliged to you.

4. 如蒙…将不胜感激;劳驾…好吗
    If you tell someone that you would be obliged or should be obliged if they would do something, you are telling them in a polite but firm way that you want them to do it.

    e.g. I would be obliged if you could read it to us.

oblige 单语例句

1. oblige是什么意思

1. Buy quality foodstuff - Insistence on low prices oblige the manufactures to cut corners with " chemical magic " and other tricks.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The audience bursts into applause demanding an encore, and these dancers are happy to oblige despite their fatigue.

3. " China cannot be in any mood to oblige, " The Star said.

4. The aim is to oblige debtors who are deliberately avoiding their creditors to return the money owed as quickly as possible.

5. oblige的近义词

5. The measures oblige governments in provinces that have such sites to make detailed plans to protect their cultural heritage.

6. Neighborhood Committee was the first to implement the punitive togetherness measures, seeking to oblige children to visit lonely parents.

7. This can last for as long as 20 minutes sometimes and Li is the only one the cat will oblige.

8. The conference is discussing a resolution that would oblige countries to reduce sound pollution, he said.

9. The new rules also oblige people diagnosed with HIV to immediately tell their spouses or partners.

10. oblige的翻译

10. Villages further north also oblige finders to give a tenth to the church.

oblige 英英释义


1. bind by an obligation
    cause to be indebted

    e.g. He's held by a contract
           I'll hold you by your promise

    Synonym: bind hold obligate

2. provide a service or favor for someone

    e.g. We had to oblige him

    Synonym: accommodate

3. oblige的解释

3. force somebody to do something

    e.g. We compel all students to fill out this form

    Synonym: compel obligate