
obscene [əbˈsi:n]  [ɑbˈsin, əb-] 

比较级:more obscene

最高级:most obscene

obscene 基本解释


形容词淫秽的; 猥亵的; 下流的; 可憎的

obscene 同义词


形容词unclean dirty bawdy smutty lewd pornographic filthy indecent

obscene 反义词


obscene 网络解释


1. 淫秽的:对此问题,美国的做法是允许的,因为裸体(nudity)本身并不必然是淫秽的(obscene),美国的一些联邦法院认为,监狱不能禁止犯人的妻子和女朋友的照片. 例如,在1981年的佩帕林诉克里斯特(Pepperling v.Crist)案件中,

2. 猥褻:其主要内容如下:1.禁止使用电话从事于猥亵(obscene)、淫秽性(lewd)言论的交谈. 在Martin Rimm的报告出炉后,美国就掀起了一阵反网络色情的风潮,这股力量并逐渐汇集至国会参众两院,公元1995年六月十四日,参议员Jim Exon提出法案,

3. 淫秽,猥亵的:obnoxious 可憎,令人讨厌的 | obscene 淫秽,猥亵的 | obscure 昏暗的; 幽僻,微贱的; 隐藏

obscene 词典解释

1. 淫秽的;猥亵的;暴力的
    If you describe something as obscene, you mean it offends you because it relates to sex or violence in a way that you think is unpleasant and shocking.

    e.g. I'm not prudish but I think these photographs are obscene...
    e.g. He continued to use obscene language and also to make threats.

2. (法律上指书刊、图片、电影等)淫秽的,色情的,暴力的
    In legal contexts, books, pictures, or films which are judged obscene are illegal because they deal with sex or violence in a way that is considered offensive to the general public.

    e.g. A city magistrate ruled that the novel was obscene and copies should be destroyed...
    e.g. The bill leaves it up to the courts to decide what is obscene.

3. 可憎的;令人厌恶的;道德败坏的
    If you describe something as obscene, you disapprove of it very strongly and consider it to be offensive or immoral.

    e.g. It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food...
    e.g. His salary was obscene for three 40-minute shows a week.

obscene 单语例句

1. Capello celebrated the win by making an obscene gesture towards a small section of the crowd that had been calling for his head.

2. Parents and government administration cannot do the necessary net cleansing to completely protect children from obscene material.

3. The listener's complaint that the song was obscene fell flat before the council's members, who said the item did not break its code of ethics.

4. Lee was convicted of one count of criminal intimidation, one count of publishing an indecent article and one count of publishing an obscene article.

5. obscene的意思

5. Those who sell obscene content face jail terms from six months to three years under China's criminal law and the law on public security administration.

6. How will lawmakers in Shaanxi deem when a person's eyes are obscene or sexually provocative?

7. It elaborated that the 84 pictures were rated obscene because they depict sexual acts in detail.

8. The company continued to develop automatic dialing and testing technologies for locating and identifying websites with obscene and pornographic content.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The new campaign will discourage the dissemination of obscene information and content, said the statement.

10. obscene的近义词

10. It is also because street gangs often use graffiti to mark their territory and because some people leave obscene messages.