1. 观察塔:当导游亭开发成功后把它放在游乐场入口附近,让游客进来第一个看到它. 导游亭是游戏中最有价值的商店,游客可以从这儿买到导游图和雨伞,可以避免游客走失或是下雨时没伞遮雨. 此外,在游戏后期你还可以修建观察塔(Observation Tower)帮助游客辨别方位.
2. 观测塔:游乐设施主要有:供垂钓者进行钓鱼的小舟、水域或人工岛礁等,供体育活动爱好者用的帆板、滑板、摩托艇、潜水工具、救生圈、救生船等;供露营用的帐篷、船只等;建立水上公园(Marine park)和水下公园(Submarinepark):建立观测塔(observation tower),提供望远镜,供观
3. 嘹望塔:observation time ||[消]火险观察时间 | observation tower||嘹望塔 | observation window||观察窗
4. 了望塔:observation time 观察时间 | observation tower 了望塔 | observation window 观察窗
1. Or consider the Ying Fei Dao Yang observation tower, where an Eagle Flying Faced Upward is used to describe the incredible height involved.
1. a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings
Synonym: lookout lookout station observatory