
obsessed [əb'sest]  [əb'sest] 





obsessed 基本解释
着迷的;一门心思的;无法摆脱的;着迷( obsess的过去式和过去分词);时刻困扰,缠住;使痴迷;使迷恋;
obsessed 网络解释


1. 纠缠:这部影片已在往年春节期间开机,最近刚刚杀...碧昂丝成贤妻良母点击此处查看全部娱乐图片碧昂丝漂亮优雅碧昂丝细心照料孩子碧昂丝把孩子递给身旁的男士新浪娱乐讯6月23日,歌手碧昂丝(听歌)现身洛杉矶一个工作室,参加电影<<纠缠>>(Obsessed)的拍摄.

2. 着迷:继先后出演了<<梦幻女孩>>、<<蓝调传奇>>到<<着迷>>之后,碧昂斯做出了完美的电影三级跳,终于明白该如何抛开甜美的嗓音去表演,<<着迷>>(Obsessed)这部单纯拼演技的电影,为碧昂斯的电影事业打开了新的局面.

3. 痴迷:检方形容朱海洋是为爱痴迷(obsessed)却遭 ...法新社华盛顿21日电,根据美国法院纪录,一名中国男子涉嫌於1月间在维吉尼亚理工暨州立大学(Virginia Tech)校内咖啡厅将同校女研究生斩首,今天他坦承犯下这起命案.

4. 阴魂不散:127 2 The 'Hood 新招出擊 | 128 3 Obsessed 陰魂不散 | 130 5 The Coltons 龍兄虎弟

obsessed 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. But I'm not obsessed with diet rules and nothing stops me from enjoying a calorific pastry.

2. " We sometimes get too obsessed with keeping possession and passing the ball around, " the Cameroon international told a news conference.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. But it was the long and candid interviews with women aged 25 to 50 whose partners were obsessed with pornography that proved most illuminating.

4. They are too obsessed with the economic growth that construction projects bring to care about the quality of their buildings.

5. They are obsessed with beating their peers in these games, even if they have to cheat.

6. Chi says she is a born writer and at 4 years old was obsessed with Chinese characters - " They were my friends and playthings ".

7. obsessed什么意思

7. Million of people are obsessed with chocolate for its softness and sweetness, but few know that chocolate is also rich in one trace element - copper.

8. The former England star Paul Gascoigne said last year that he was obsessed with cleanliness and needed help for the condition.

9. Tang becomes obsessed with hunting everyday and turns a cold shoulder to his wife.

10. His mission is to find the purest worm eggs and smuggle them home but he becomes obsessed with the concubine of a local emperor.

obsessed 英英释义


1. having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something

    e.g. became more and more haunted by the stupid riddle
           was absolutely obsessed with the girl
           got no help from his wife who was preoccupied with the children
           he was taken up in worry for the old woman

    Synonym: haunted preoccupied taken up(p)

2. obsessed是什么意思

2. influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion

    e.g. by love possessed

    Synonym: possessed(p)