
obstacles ['ɒbstəklz]  ['ɒbstəklz] 



obstacles 基本解释
障碍物;障碍( obstacle的名词复数 );绊脚石;障碍栅栏;
obstacles 网络解释

1. 障碍物:探索(Pathfinder):杀手部队(Cutthroats)可以不受移动修正通过困难地形(Rough terrain)与障碍物(Obstacles). 沈默(Silencer):被嘶嘶声(Hiss)命中的模型便一回合不可施法. 戈(Halberd) 特殊能力(多重) 威力(5) 加总(11)集中攻击(CMA):取代个别的近战攻击.

2. 障碍:研究、设计、销售及生产部门的人员应协力合作犹如一个团...障碍(Obstacles) 阻碍(员工) 以工艺为荣之实现,在美国,事实上可能就是降低成本与改进品质最重...

3. 阻碍:在营销实践中发现,企业所设定的消费者利益(Benefits)往往会由于一些因素的阻碍(Obstacles)而使消费者不能感受到利益而不去购买产品,针对这样的情况,就要明确具体的障碍,并制定相关的策略方案(Strategies)以改善产品处境.

4. 障碍约束:障碍:obstacles | 障碍约束:Obstacles | 制约因素:obstacles

obstacles 单语例句

1. obstacles的近义词

1. Obstacles for the development of the business relations between enterprises and consultation companies also exist.

2. The path to success has been strewn with obstacles, learning by trial and error to overcome the local peculiarities of climate and soil.

3. The pioneering project shows that pandas raised in captivity will meet no big obstacles when released from human care.

4. obstacles的近义词

4. Bremer cited the absence of election laws, voter lists and reliable census data as obstacles to a quick election.

5. Discussions are centering on solutions to overcome the obstacles for the nation's Venture Capital development.

6. These aren't perfect solutions to the obstacles laid out above, but they certainly help make biking more enjoyable.

7. Everyone has the ability to affect positive change regardless of the obstacles that life has thrown along the way.

8. Animal farmers used to meet with obstacles in taking their products to the market, because they were classified as wild animals according to the previous regulations.

9. This has helped ZTE clear away IP obstacles to sell its DSL equipment in France.

10. The Supreme Court is expected to clear the last legal obstacles to Musharraf's continued rule as president today.