1. 阻碍者:obstructive 妨碍的 | obstructor 阻碍者 | obtain 获得
2. 妨害者/妨碍物/阻碍者:obstruction 障碍物 | obstructor 妨害者,妨碍物,阻碍者 | obstructive 妨害的,阻碍的,妨碍的
3. 阻碍者,妨害者:conductor 管理员,指导员,列车员,售票员 | obstructor 阻碍者,妨害者 | destructor 破坏者
4. 障碍物,障碍者:obstruction 障碍,障碍物,[无]干扰 | obstructor 障碍物,障碍者 | obtain 得到,获得,有,存在,流行
1. any structure that makes progress difficult
Synonym: obstruction obstructer impediment impedimenta
2. someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take
Synonym: obstructionist obstructer resister thwarter