ocean liner

ocean liner [ˈəuʃən ˈlainə]  [ˈoʃən ˈlaɪnɚ] 

ocean liner 基本解释

名词远洋定期客轮; 邮船

ocean liner 网络解释

ocean liner的解释

1. 远洋轮:早期大船主要是远洋轮(Ocean Liner),除运货外也有载客,由于横渡大西洋需耗时多日,所以远洋轮客舱都有多种娱乐设施,我们熟悉的铁达尼号和QE2都是这种类型的远洋轮.

2. 外洋轮船:ocean freight 海运,海运费 | ocean liner 外洋轮船 | ocean tramp 不定期货船

3. 远洋班轮:Ocean-going vessel 远洋船 | Ocean liner 远洋班轮 | Off hire 停租

4. 定期远洋船:ocean line 远洋航路 | ocean liner 定期远洋船 | ocean liner 远洋班轮

ocean liner 单语例句

1. ocean liner

1. A luxury ocean liner capsizes from a colossal tidal wave and passengers must fend for themselves to find a way out.

2. SHANGHAI - Wenzhou's businessmen have made a foray into the ocean tourism industry by acquiring a luxury cruise liner.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The Striking seaman have failed to delay the sailing of the Queen Elizabeth ocean liner which left Southampton on schedule this afternoon.

4. Su Lin was carried onto the ocean liner President McKinley in a bamboo basket and then outside China.

5. The Queen Mary 2's reign as the world's biggest ocean liner is expected to be brief.

6. ocean liner

6. The Queen Mary 2's reign as the world's biggest passenger ocean liner is expected to be brief.

ocean liner 英英释义


1. a large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule)

    Synonym: liner