
ode [əʊd]  [oʊd] 


ode 基本解释


ode 相关例句


1. As a young child, she often recited lines from the ancient odes.

ode 网络解释


1. 颂歌:最早使用这一新的音乐形式,它由九首节拍和旋律各不相同的颂歌(Ode)组成,对应于九首源自圣经的歌篇,用于晨祷,传达基督即将降临的信息. Kanon另类摇滚的同义词. 起源于西雅图的类金属(metal-like)另类摇滚,

2. 颂诗:以诗歌形式而论,精通古典语言和文学传统的弥尔顿,尝试了颂诗(ode)、田园诗(eclogue)、挽歌(elegy)、悼诗(epitaph)、讽刺诗(epigram)等各种形式,以及源出意大利传统的十四行诗.

3. 常微分方程:具 解基本代数方程 二次方程求解 符号方程绘图 高次方程求解 方程组 方程展开与合并 使用指数和对数函数求解方程 函数的级数表示 习题 第六章基本符号演算和微分方程 极限计算 导数计算 dsolve命令 常微分方程(ODE)求解.

4. 定向腐蚀剂:odd winding 奇数绕组 | ode 定向腐蚀剂 | oeic 光电子集成电路

5. ode:the ordinary differential equation; 常微分方程

6. ode:ordinary differential equation; 一阶常微分方程

ode 词典解释

1. 颂诗;颂歌
    An ode is a poem, especially one that is written in praise of a particular person, thing, or event.

    e.g. ...Keats' Ode to a Nightingale.

ode 单语例句

1. ode的意思

1. They will congregate in Penglai city in Shandong Province to sing Ode to Peace in unison.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Eminem's decision to use the Dido song " Thankyou " in his ode to an obsessed fan " Stan " transformed her career.

3. From his ode of life, everyone can touch the youth and effulgence that have passed by.

4. ode

4. Just as the directors put it, it was an ode to life in fairytale style.

5. Based on the legendary love life of the gypsy girl Carmen, it is an ode to freedom and honesty.

6. The global itinerant exhibition of the giant painting Ode to China had great influence both at home and abroad.

7. ode

7. The famous stone works include Ode to the Plum Blossom by Huang Chao, and a Fairy Spreading Flowers.

8. ode的意思

8. Yoko played a leading role in a short dance programme called Ode to the Yellow River for the visiting Chinese president yesterday.

9. Hao says this shaped his distinctive style and his songs are an ode to the city.

10. ode

10. A woman there wrote a poem as an ode to the women of the new age.

ode 英英释义



1. a lyric poem with complex stanza forms