
off-colour ['ɔ:fk'ʌlər]  ['ɔ:fk'ʌlər] 

off-colour 基本解释



off-colour 网络解释


1. 颜色不佳的:off-color 颜色不佳的 | off-colour 颜色不佳的 | off-day 倒楣的日子

2. 色差;染色走樣:novelty 新穎飾物 | off colour 色差;染色走樣 | oil coating 防油功能

3. 不對色:關 off | 不對色 off colour | 等外,級外 off grade

4. 看上去脸色不好,生病了:Odds and ends 零碎的东西 | Off colour 看上去脸色不好,生病了 | Off the beaten track 偏僻地, 不落俗套地

off-colour 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 off-color

1. 不舒服的;身体欠佳的
    If you say that you are feeling off-colour, you mean that you are slightly ill.

    e.g. For three weeks Maurice felt off-colour but did not have any dramatic symptoms.

2. 表现差强人意的;状态不佳的
    If you say that someone's performance is off-colour, you mean that they are not performing as well as they usually do.

    e.g. Milan looked off-colour but eventually took the lead in the 82nd minute.

3. (笑话、言语)近乎下流的,不成体统的
    An off-colour joke or remark is rather rude or offensive.

    e.g. He denies making off-color remarks about women.

off-colour 英英释义



1. off-colour

1. in violation of good taste even verging on the indecent

    e.g. an indelicate remark
           an off-color joke

    Synonym: indelicate off-color