
offhand [ˌɒfˈhænd]  [ˌɔ:fˈhænd] 

offhand 基本解释




offhand 相关例句


1. Offhand, I would say that there were one hundred people present at the dinner party.

2. I can't give an answer offhand.

3. Offhand, I would guess that this car repair will cost US$1,500.


1. There was something in his offhand remarks.

2. Her clothes usually gave an offhand effect.

offhand 网络解释

1. 毫无准备;即席:off the track 离题 | offhand 毫无准备;即席 | Oh yeah? 真的吗?

2. 副手物品:副手物品、副手:圣契:圣契、Libram | 图腾:图腾、Totem | 副手物品:副手物品、副手、Offhand

3. 即时的:offertory 捐款 | offhand 即时的 | offhanded 立即的

4. 随便连在一起的:off-the-job safety 场(工地 | offhand 随便连在一起的 | office area 办公区

offhand 词典解释

1. 不友好的;不礼貌的;漫不经心的
    If you say that someone is being offhand, you are critical of them for being unfriendly or impolite, and not showing any interest in what other people are doing or saying.

    e.g. He lapsed into long silences or became offensively off-hand...
    e.g. Consumers found the attitude of its staff offhand and generally offensive to the paying customer.

2. 未经核实地;不加思索地;立刻;即席地
    If you say something offhand, you say it without checking the details or facts of it.

    e.g. 'Have you done the repairs?' — 'Can't say off-hand, but I doubt it.'...
    e.g. 'Were they at home or away, do you know offhand?'

offhand 单语例句


1. Even for a crowd of old friends unimpressed by his celebrity, the former president's seemingly offhand stump speech does not disappoint.

2. But they are so few that I can't really think of one offhand.

offhand 英英释义



1. offhand的反义词

1. casually thoughtless or inconsiderate

    e.g. an offhand manner
           she treated most men with offhand contempt

    Synonym: offhanded

2. with little or no preparation or forethought

    e.g. his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment
           an extemporaneous piano recital
           an extemporary lecture
           an extempore skit
           an impromptu speech
           offhand excuses
           trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
           an off-the-cuff toast
           a few unrehearsed comments

    Synonym: ad-lib extemporaneous extemporary extempore impromptu offhanded off-the-cuff unrehearsed


1. in a casually inconsiderate manner

    e.g. replied offhand, his mind a million miles away
           she threw him over offhandedly without even a Dear-John letter

    Synonym: offhanded offhandedly

2. without previous thought or preparation

    e.g. couldn't give the figures offhand
           we decided offhand to go to Canada
           she had made these remarks offhandedly

    Synonym: offhanded offhandedly