
offload [ˌɒfˈləʊd]  [ˌɔ:fˈloʊd] 







offload 基本解释
offload 网络解释

1. 卸下:offlet 放水管 | offload 卸下 | offprint 选刊

2. 专注于风的科学:53.MADWEATHER.从预测到时候评论,作者以严肃的态度看待天气 | 54.Offload.专注于风的科学 | 55.The Ethical Paleontologist.正在读博士学位的博主,喜欢谈论一些有趣的话题

3. 显示卸载信息:joins - 显示加入的多播组. | offload - 显示卸载信息. | tcpconn - 显示 TCP 连接.

offload 单语例句

1. offload的反义词

1. This indirect approach has helped him offload several senior Congress leaders known to have indulged in factional politics.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Cottbus tried to offload him last summer in an attempt to raise funds but the player refused to move.

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3. The swap provides a great opportunity to offload anything taking up space in the flat.

4. This file photo shows a worker preparing to offload crates of chickens in Jakarta.

5. offload的解释

5. Selling shares to the public may have also limited the amount it could offload, the person said.

6. " The lender was forced to offload stakes in Chinese lenders to raise cash, " he added.

7. Many regional economies have witnessed considerable capital outflows as heightened risk aversion prompted investors to offload their emerging market assets.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. She tends to be cautious and was always pushing me to offload the shares, even though prices were low.

offload 英英释义



1. take the load off (a container or vehicle)

    e.g. unload the truck
           offload the van

    Synonym: unload unlade

2. transfer to a peripheral device, of computer data