
oh [əʊ]  [o] 

oh 基本解释


int.啊; (表示恐惧、惊讶、疑虑等)噢; 哎呀; 冠于人名前,起呼语作用

oh 相关例句


1. Oh, what a nightmare!

2. Oh, George, have you seen this?

oh 情景对话



A:I’d like to help pitch in with? dinner.

B:Really? You’re joking.

A:No. I’d like to do something special for you on your birthday.

B:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first.

A:OK…Now how can I help, hon??

B:Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.

A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done.

B:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.

A:How many potatoes do you need?

B:Three. And bring four bell peppers?.

A:Gotcha?… OK. Here they are.

B:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat.

A:Where’s the peeler?

B:It’s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t work.

A:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger.

B:Let me take a look at that… I can’t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital.

A:I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.

oh 网络解释

1. 俄亥俄州:第九名:paWare公司美国明尼苏达州(MN)的罗杰斯特(Rochester)第十名:新波网络公司 美国俄亥俄州(OH)的鲍威尔(Powell)

2. 欧:故事发生在石器时代,杰克-布莱克扮演的懒散猎人扎德(Zed)由于误食禁果被部落驱逐,他与迈克尔-塞拉扮演的欧(Oh)一起踏上了荒诞搞笑的奥赛德之旅. 另外参与该片的演员还有,

3. 在家:般的年轻人 大家眼里我已经是名人 但事实上我的问题很惊人 看到她在舞台上的舞蹈 一支魅影穿着亚麻丝的旗袍 终于冲动的过去自我介绍 忽然间楞住然后她说 你是哪里人 我不记得 你有电话吗 我放在家(Oh) 我下次以为能够表

4. 过热:保护机能:失速防止(STALL)瞬间过流(OC),过载(OL),过压(OV),不足电压(UV),过热(OH). 具有输出电压自动调整,滑差自动调整,外部多功能输入输出操作方式,寸动运行,多段速运行,程序运行. . (大小功率;各类匹配端口;外型和功能都可以任意订购)

5. oh:orthostatic hypotension; 直立性低血压

6. oh:one hour; 每小时

7. oh:oil-heater; 油加热器

8. oh:over haul; 检修

oh 词典解释

1. (引出答话或评语)哦,噢
    You use oh to introduce a response or a comment on something that has just been said.

    e.g. 'Had you seen the car before?' — 'Oh yes, it was always in the drive.'...
    e.g. 'Would you like me to phone and explain the situation?' — 'Oh, would you?'...

2. (表示惊讶、痛苦、恼怒或喜悦等)唉,啊,呀,哈
    You use oh to express a feeling such as surprise, pain, annoyance, or happiness.

    e.g. 'Oh!' Kenny blinked. 'Has everyone gone?'...
    e.g. 'Oh, my God,' Korontzis moaned...

3. (表示犹豫)呃,嗯
    You use oh when you are hesitating while speaking, for example because you are trying to estimate something, or because you are searching for the right word.

    e.g. I've been here, oh, since the end of June...
    e.g. The invaders have destroyed the, oh, I don't know what the right word is—the atmosphere, the ambience.

oh 单语例句

1. oh的翻译

1. Oh, and I'd prefer if you didn't call me " baby " or say that I am " money ".

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Oh's rifle and one empty cartridge were found nearby, the statement said.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Oh says she's made no plans yet for a professional career, and is still trying to combine her studies with the demands of golf practice.

4. Oh boy, the strawberry vendors of London must be doing cartwheels right now.

5. oh

5. The final between Asia's two fencing rivals remained undecided until the last bout between China's Wang Jingzhi and Oh Eun Seok of South Korea.

6. Oh, and he has to have a good sense of humor.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. But when you first see it, it's like'Oh my goodness!

8. Oh my gosh being a grandfather is the most wonderful thing, it really is.

9. Oh expressed his hope that the Expos would further strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the two countries.

10. " Grey's Anatomy " star Sandra Oh was faulted for too many beads and bangles.

oh 英英释义



1. a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region

    Synonym: Ohio Buckeye State