oil mill

oil mill [ɔil mil]  [ɔɪl mɪl] 

oil mill 基本解释
oil mill 网络解释

oil mill什么意思

1. 榨油机:oil engine 重油发动机 | oil mill 榨油机 | oil of turpentine 松节油

2. (榨)油厂;油坊:oil meal 油粕粉 | oil mill (榨)油厂;油坊 | oil nut 油果;果仁

3. 榨油机,榨油工厂:油量计 oil meter | 榨油机,榨油工厂 oil mill | 采油(油田) oil mining

4. 榨油机,制油厂:oil migration ==> 石油运移 | oil mill ==> 榨油机,制油厂 | oil miscible concentrate ==> 乳油

oil mill 单语例句

1. Before the raid on the mill in Changsha at the end of April, its recycled oil had incredibly passed a set of food safety inspections.

2. oil mill的意思

2. A stone mill, wooden press and stone sinks used to contain oil are well preserved.