old age

old age [əuld eidʒ]  [old edʒ] 

old age 基本解释
old age 网络解释

old age的意思

1. 老年:是老年(old age)了(斯图亚特文件第101页). 关于这一点,塔夫耐尔文件第3、9、15页和霍金斯报告第4页、文件第14页等都有证明. 在曼彻斯特,工人的这种未老先衰的现象非常普遍,几乎所有的四十岁的男人看起来都比他们的实际年龄老十岁到十五岁,

2. 晚年:okra 秋葵 | old age 晚年 | old and young 老老少少

3. 人的一生:亲人好友:close friends,cousin,nephew | 人的一生:birth,youth,middle age,old age | Part 10 我自己 About Me

old age 单语例句

1. old age的反义词

1. Screen legend Sophia Loren is to grace the cover of the world famous Pirelli calendar at the ripe old age of 72.

2. According to him, chronological age is how old one is in calendar years.

3. Jerome's literary sense of humor and by Cervantes'persistence in producing the epic Don Quixote at the ripe old age of 58.

4. For elderly people aged 69 and above, the party proposed an additional old age allowance of HK $ 500.

5. The authors examined the association between smoking history and cognitive decline in the transition from midlife to old age.

6. In a Chinese cultural context, age implies respect and superiority as the Confucian code places old before young.

7. Without constant development, there will not be a strong social security system to guarantee pensions in old age.

8. My favorite factoid comes from a Yankelovich study showing that boomers define " old age " as starting three years after the average American is dead.

9. old age在线翻译

9. The poll showed people in rural areas suffered most in old age because of their higher dependence on family members for financial support.

10. But Pan is getting lonelier and more isolated as more and more of his fellow performers die of old age.

old age 英英释义


1. old age是什么意思

1. a late time of life

    e.g. old age is not for sissies
           he's showing his years
           age hasn't slowed him down at all
           a beard white with eld
           on the brink of geezerhood

    Synonym: years age eld geezerhood