old hand

old hand [əuld hænd]  [old hænd] 

第三人称复数:old hands

old hand 基本解释

old hand的反义词


old hand 网络解释

old hand的翻译

1. 老手:old flame 情焰 | old hand 老手 | old lady 女朋友

2. 熟练工人:oil paper 油纸 | old hand 熟练工人 | old stock 陈货

3. 内行:old goat 老家伙 | old hand 内行 | Old Harry 魔鬼

4. 老油矿工:old forms 古地形 | old hand 老油矿工 | Old Red Sandstone series 老红砂岩统

old hand 词典解释
old hand的意思

1. 老手;经验丰富的人
    If someone is an old hand at something, they are very skilled at it because they have been doing it for a long time.

    e.g. An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years.

old hand 单语例句

1. old hand

1. Making brick by hand is an old craft under threat from modern machinery.

2. So we said goodbye and I left with a contract in my hand and a deeper understanding of the old city I live in.

3. On the street you can see a motionless old woman bundled with heavy cotton blankets, her hand outstretched to grip a battered tea cup.

4. When catching up with an old China hand, our Australian friend Ray commented on the fact that he was " becoming Chinese ".

5. I see it in the old men who hand me cards flaunting their " foreign expert " status.

6. old hand的近义词

6. China has adapted to and has become an old hand at tackling this dual gamesmanship.

7. The Old Lady of Turin also has a game in hand on most of its rivals and remains the only unbeaten team in the league.

8. I turned my head around and I saw an old lady eyeing the beverage container in my hand.

9. Celtic is just a point behind Old Firm rivals Rangers at the top of the Scottish Premier League with a game in hand.

10. old hand的解释

10. The loquacious young singer is an old hand at making friends through music, especially with young people.

old hand 英英释义

old hand什么意思


1. an experienced person who has been through many battles
    someone who has given long service

    Synonym: veteran old-timer oldtimer warhorse old stager stager