old working methods

old working methods

old working methods 双语例句

1. The old working methods need to be improved.

2. The dispute of the management of the property reflects the contradiction between new and old ideas, new and old living styles, new and old working methods in the period of the social transformation.

3. objective to discuss the effects of electroacupuncture at guangming acupoint and sham acupoint on activating effects in various cerebral areas using magnetic resonance imaging, blood oxygenation level dependent of echo planar imaging sequence, and try to explore the impossible cortical mechanisms of acupuncture treatment in the ophthalmic field. methods twelve right-handed volunteers without any symptom and sign of the central nervous system (male 5, female 7; age ranged 20 to 40 years old, average age is 27.5) who were studying as postgraduates or working as doctor in our hospital were selected to take part in our studies.
    目的 利用磁共振成像平面回波序列的血氧水平依赖技术分别对足少阳胆经光明穴和假穴进行电针刺激的脑功能成像研究,观察大脑功能区反应的异同,探寻针刺治疗眼病的中枢机制。

4. Through analysis of several old methods of dynamic level measuring, a new method under special working condition for bulk material is put forward according to practical demands.

5. Methods Visual acuity, processing speed and working memory of 217 old community persons were determined by clinical measure and cognitive test.