1. 煎蛋卷:另外在做煎蛋卷 (Omelet) 时,可以在蛋汁中加少许红辣椒粉. 保存在冰箱中,可保持鲜艳的红色和香味. 这种由数种香料混合而成的粉末状香料,香料种类不固定而且没有很重的辣味,通常都是由红番椒 (Chili Pepper) 磨成粉,
2. 蛋卷:最常见的是只煎单面的太阳蛋(sunny-side-up若你想吃煎蛋卷(omelet),贴心的厨师还会问你要加些什麼料,一般人喜爱在煎蛋卷里加入火腿、磨菇和洋葱;炒蛋(scrambled egg)是将蛋白和蛋黄一同搅拌,加入奶油或鲜奶,之后再入锅拌炒,
1. She also told us you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.
2. Slide the omelet out on a plate and spoon the tomato mixture on top.
3. Or, a simple omelet topped with a savory portion of shredded turkey?
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. This is an omelet you cannot pass over if you love eggs.
5. It is really more an egg dish than an omelet, as the base is a batter made from sweet potato starch.
1. beaten eggs or an egg mixture cooked until just set
may be folded around e.g. ham or cheese or jelly
Synonym: omelette