
omniscient [ɒmˈnɪsiənt]  [ɑ:mˈnɪsiənt] 

omniscient 基本解释



omniscient 网络解释

1. 全知的:他论证到:如果有全知的(omniscient)人,如果我们能洞察并预见过去、现在及未来的一切的一切,我们也就没有多少自由了. 自由之所以必不可少是因为它为不可全知,不可预见的事物留下了空间,为我们实现自己的目的提供机会. 没有自由,

2. 无所不知:决定让奥林匹斯系全体灰飞烟灭,对不起,奥林匹斯全体神就算开着胜利女神奈姬的作弊器都没法更改--因为Moros是唯一一个属性被描述为:无所不知(omniscient)、无所不能(omnipotent)而且无所不在(omnipresent)的神祗(这三个属性太彪悍了,

3. 无所不知的:omniparity 一切平等 | omniscient 無所不知的 | out- 外、出

4. 博识的:omnipotent 有无限能力的 | omniscient 博识的 | omophagia 生食癖

omniscient 词典解释

1. omniscient

1. 全知全能的;无所不知的;博闻广识的
    If you describe someone as omniscient, you mean they know or seem to know everything.

    e.g. ...a benevolent and omniscient deity.
    e.g. ...the Financial Times's omniscient data-gathering network.

...the divine attributes of omnipotence, benevolence and omniscience.
omniscient 单语例句

1. But that point is often lost in China because the film director is perceived as an omniscient and omnipotent god in film production.

2. omniscient的意思

2. Nowadays it is unrealistic for a teacher to shroud himself in an omniscient aura.

3. omniscient

3. Employing an omniscient hindsight, pundits can use whatever facts fit into their preconceived notions and work backwards.

omniscient 英英释义


1. infinitely wise

    Synonym: all-knowing