on the increase

on the increase [ɔn ðə inˈkri:s]  [ɑn ði ɪnˈkris] 

on the increase 基本解释

on the increase在线翻译


on the increase 相关例句

on the increase


1. Crime is on the increase.

on the increase 网络解释

on the increase

1. 正增长:on the contrary 相反 | on the increase 正增长 | on occasion 偶尔

2. 增加:be tempted to do sth. 受......诱惑 | on the increase 增加 | break into 闯进

3. 正在增长:on the hour 准点地 | on the increase 正在增长 | on the inside 在里面

on the increase 单语例句

1. Training workshops could also help increase the knowledge and awareness of employees on business ethics.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. A stronger yuan would increase the buying power of Chinese consumers, helping to increase domestic consumption and reducing reliance on exports.

3. He added that although the interest rate increase took place on October 28, rumours had been rife in October so people became more cautious in buying properties.

4. Cab drivers must pay an additional 180 yuan each month after the oil price increase, based on an average oil consumption of 20 liters per day.

5. The cabinet put special emphasis on the services industry in rural areas, urging an increase in farmers'incomes and a relaxation of the urban household registration system.

6. The cabinet yesterday listed as many as nine steps to increase household income, according to a statement on the reform guidelines posted on its website.

7. The JEM is active on Sudan's borderline with Chad and Libya, which pushed the Sudanese army to increase its border patrols.

8. A significant increase in capacity has also weighed on the passenger load factor.

9. Chinese machinery giants have been active on the international stage, building factories and buying foreign companies to increase their profits overseas.

10. But the airline did not increase the surcharge on flights to Thai capital Bangkok.