on the jump

on the jump [ɔn ðə dʒʌmp]  [ɑn ði dʒʌmp] 

on the jump 基本解释

突然地; 匆忙地; 坐立不安; 神经紧张

on the jump 网络解释

1. 在忙碌中:on the job 工作着 | on the jump 在忙碌中 | on the keen jump 立即

2. 在忙碌中, 跑来跑去:keep the enemy on the jump 使敌人疲于奔命 | on the jump 在忙碌中, 跑来跑去 | upon the jump 在忙碌中, 跑来跑去

3. 在移动中,在忙碌中:on the job%[]%专心工作着% | on the jump%[]%在移动中,在忙碌中% | on the lips of%[]%在...中流传%

on the jump 单语例句

1. Clinton had a big jump start among superdelegates, many of whom have ties to the Clintons and backed her candidacy early on.

2. While Chinese firms now enjoy wider access to overseas capital, foreign companies also see new opportunities on the horizon to jump into the Chinese bourses.

3. People living or carrying on business near crossings where drivers are prone to jump red lights seem to agree more with the senior citizen's act.

4. The jump in GDP handily beat forecasts on Wall Street, where economists had looked for a gain closer to 6 percent.

5. When hurricanes hammered down on the United States'coastline causing the shutdown of oil rigs many traders expected a jump in the price of oil.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. But it did so without causing the jump in heart rate that exercise does, suggesting anger's Adrenalin rush may act directly on heart cells.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Sun Xuecheng sits on the top of a crane at a construction site in Nanjing, threatening to jump as his former neighbours try to calm him down.

8. Chinese investors'craze for new share offerings has usually led to a jump in the prices of IPO shares on trading debut regardless of fundamentals.

9. on the jump的近义词

9. Petrol and diesel oil prices rose by around 6 per cent on Saturday, a larger jump than any of the other four increases this year.

10. They say any discount of H share prices would guarantee a substantial jump for the shares on their first trading day.