

one-sixteenth 双语例句

1. Plus, I'm one-sixteenth Portuguese.

2. A liang is one-sixteenth of a jin. That would be 330NT.

3. I am one-sixteenth Portuguese.

4. Last year in this report, I described my family's delight with the one-quarter (200 flight hours annually) of a Hawker 1000 that we had owned since 1995. I got so pumped up by my own prose that shortly thereafter I signed up for one-sixteenth of a Cessna V Ultra as well. Now my annual outlays at EJA and Borsheim's, combined, total ten times my salary. Think of this as a rough guideline for your own expenditures with us. During the past year, two of Berkshire's outside directors have also signed on with EJA. Maybe we're paying them too much.
    去年在年报当中,我曾经形容我的家族自从 1995 年来买下四分之一的(也就是每年 200 小时)的霍克 1000 型飞机所有权的愉快经验,不久之后,我又再接再厉签约买下一架 Cessna V Ultra 型六分之一的所有权,现在每年我在 EJA 以及波仙珠宝的花费大概是我年薪的十倍,如此大家可以据此推算你可以负担的底限在哪里。

5. Thyme leaves are curled, elliptically shaped and very small, measuring about one-eighth of an inch long and one-sixteenth of an inch wide.