open country

open country [ˈəupən ˈkʌntri]  [ˈopən ˈkʌntri] 

open country 基本解释
open country 网络解释

open country的反义词

1. 空旷的郊野:*He prefers open fires to stoves or radiators. 他喜欢用明火取暖, 不喜欢炉子或暖气. | * open country, ie without forests, buildings, etc 空旷的郊野 | * open fields 田野

2. 空旷的野外:○on the way:在路上;在途中;在进行中 | ○open country:空旷的野外 | ○out in the cold:被冷落的

open country 单语例句

1. The country will open its wholesale oil products market to foreign investors by the end of this year to meet its World Trade Organization obligations.

2. open country

2. China will further open its financial sector in " an active and safe " way, the country's central bank promised on Friday.

3. China will open the door of its capital market much wider to foreign investors, said the country's top securities regulator Guo Shuqing.

4. " A country's financial sector should open in a way commensurate with its domestic financial system, " said Wu.

5. " A country's financial sector should open in a way commensurate with its financial system, " said Wu.

6. So as deliberations continue on the Siberian pipeline, the country has embarked on a crash construction program elsewhere to open the spigots.

7. The company said that the decision to open stores in China represents " an important milestone " in its business in the country.

8. Chinese citizens will most definitely consider that as open defiance at the country's doorsteps aimed at threatening national security.

9. The country's growing affluence and status as the world's biggest consumer market have attracted many foreign established brands to open franchised stores in China.


10. He said he was open to changes in economic and social policies to restore peace and defend the country's democratic institutions.