
opinion [əˈpɪnjən]  [əˈpɪnjən] 



opinion 基本解释


名词意见,主张; 评价; 鉴定,判定

opinion 相关例句



1. Opinions differ on this matter.

2. Public opinion was against the old feudal system.

3. He asked his father's opinion about his plans.

4. They are divided in opinion.

5. Opinion is shifting in favor of the President's new policy.

opinion 网络解释

1. 舆论:本文旨在研究复杂网络上舆论(opinion)演化动力学,通过计算机模拟,分析研究复杂网络的拓扑结构和外场在舆论演化过程中的作用. 近年来,国内外学者对统计物理在社会学上的应用产生了极大的兴趣. 例如利用随机动力学,

2. 主张:他们的罪名是反黑人(anti-black)罪. 他们被拉到了南非立法首都开普敦(CapeTown),在总统(president)的指挥下枪决. 为此曼德拉获得了诺贝尔和平奖(Nobel PeacePrize),在领奖的时候,曼德拉发表了他的看法和主张(opinion).

opinion 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 意见;看法;主张;见解
    Your opinion about something is what you think or believe about it.

    e.g. I wasn't asking for your opinion, Dick...
    e.g. He held the opinion that a government should think before introducing a tax...

2. (对某人的)评价,印象
    Your opinion of someone is your judgment of their character or ability.

    e.g. That improved Mrs Goole's already favourable opinion of him.

3. 舆论;(群体的)信仰,观点
    You can refer to the beliefs or views that people have as opinion .

    e.g. Some, I suppose, might even be in positions to influence opinion...
    e.g. There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies which should be pursued.

4. 专家意见;鉴定
    An opinion from an expert is the advice or judgment that they give you in the subject that they know a lot about.

    e.g. Even if you have had a regular physical check-up recently, you should still seek a medical opinion.

5. see also: public opinion;second opinion

6. 在…看来;据…的意见
    You add expressions such as 'in my opinion' or 'in their opinion' to a statement in order to indicate that it is what you or someone else thinks, and is not necessarily a fact.

    e.g. The book is, in Henry's opinion, the best book on the subject...
    e.g. Well he's not making a very good job of it in my opinion.

7. 持…观点;认为;相信
    If someone is of the opinion that something is the case, that is what they believe.

    e.g. Frank is of the opinion that the 1934 yacht should have won.

8. a matter of opinion -> see matter

opinion 单语例句

1. My opinion is that doing business is certainly not the ultimate goal of mankind.

2. The US Consumer Product safety Commission will take into consideration China's opinion on implementation of the US Consumer Product safety Improvement Act of 2008.

3. The media's exposure of the illegal demolition in Harbin resulted in the pressure of public opinion forcing the local government to act.

4. The first measure adopted centred on integrating leaders with the general public by means of public opinion polls and secret balloting.

5. Wu's opinion was then contributed to and published in the Wall Street Journal in October under the byline of " Dee Woo ".

6. It carried the byline of two reporters and wasn't labeled as opinion or commentary.

7. opinion的意思

7. That so few Chinese and Japanese people have a good opinion about each other despite being highly interdependent is a quirk of international relations.

8. His party leader and Prime Minister David Cameron responded by calling the opinion " idiotic ".

9. In Wu's opinion, this type of woman " can fix anything but men ".

10. Sunday's primary was effectively a nationwide opinion poll because parties had already chosen their candidates and voters could cast ballots for any party's candidate.

opinion 英英释义



1. opinion

1. the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)

    Synonym: ruling

2. opinion是什么意思

2. a vague idea in which some confidence is placed

    e.g. his impression of her was favorable
           what are your feelings about the crisis?
           it strengthened my belief in his sincerity
           I had a feeling that she was lying

    Synonym: impression feeling belief notion

3. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty

    e.g. my opinion differs from yours
           I am not of your persuasion
           what are your thoughts on Haiti?

    Synonym: sentiment persuasion view thought

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. a belief or sentiment shared by most people
    the voice of the people

    e.g. he asked for a poll of public opinion

    Synonym: public opinion popular opinion vox populi

5. opinion

5. the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision

    e.g. opinions are usually written by a single judge

    Synonym: legal opinion judgment judgement

6. a message expressing a belief about something
    the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof

    e.g. his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page

    Synonym: view