
opposing [əˈpəʊzɪŋ]  [əˈpoʊzɪŋ] 





opposing 基本解释


形容词对立的; 相反的; 反作用的; 反向的


opposing 网络解释

1. 对立的,对面的:opportunity 时机,机会 | opposing 对立的,对面的 | opposite 反面

2. 反对的:depressed 沮丧的 | opposing 反对的 | resolute 坚决的,决定的,毅然的

3. 对手的:Ongoing=持续 | Opposing=对手的 | Owner=拥有者

4. 对手:ongoing .................................持续 | opposing.................................对手 | Orc .......................................兽人

opposing 词典解释

1. (观点、倾向等)对立的,截然相反的
    Opposing ideas or tendencies are totally different from each other.

    e.g. I have a friend who has the opposing view and felt that the war was immoral...
    e.g. Water is the opposing force to fire.

2. (群体等)对立的,对抗的
    Opposing groups of people disagree about something or are in competition with one another.

    e.g. The Georgian leader said in a radio address that he still favoured dialogue between the opposing sides...
    e.g. The opposing team must in turn try to keep the ball in the air before hitting it back over the net.

opposing 单语例句

1. The original water control plan was canned after 15 academicians submitted a report to the State Council opposing the proposal to construct a dam.

2. opposing的翻译

2. But the Jazz don't believe they can be beaten regularly with just two opposing players carrying the scoring load.

3. Opposing sets of supporters sang and had photographs taken with each other at cafes near the cathedral and near the central railway station.

4. opposing

4. That is why officials are adamant in opposing any measure that will require real estate developers to disclose their cost structure.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. It seems to them that by opposing schools charging at the market level they can effectively rein in growth of education expenses.

6. The aggressive White House reaction came as the House and Senate prepare to vote on resolutions opposing additional US troops in Iraq.

7. A preliminary injunction of a civil court must be unconditionally observed by the opposing party immediately upon being served.

8. opposing是什么意思

8. The Phd students do deserve commendation for opposing the behavior of blindly following a trend.

9. This communique also reiterated the consensus reached by the two sides in the Shanghai Communique, including their common understanding on opposing hegemonism.

10. While resolutely opposing the creation of a straight facsimile of a Western model, the CPC is open to everything conducive to its own ideal of democracy.

opposing 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. characterized by active hostility

    e.g. opponent (or opposing) armies

    Synonym: opponent