
oppressive [əˈpresɪv]  [əˈprɛsɪv] 

oppressive 基本解释

形容词压迫的; 压抑的; 沉重的; 沉闷

oppressive 网络解释

1. 压制性的:oppressive 压迫的 | oppressive 压制性的 | oppressively 压迫地

2. 残酷的、压迫的:repressive 镇压的,残酷的 | oppressive 残酷的、压迫的 | submissive 恭顺的

3. 压迫的:oppressed 被压的 | oppressive 压迫的 | oppressive 压制性的

4. 残/刻/虐/压制性的/压迫的/沉重的:oppression /压迫/压制/压抑/虐待/沈闷/忧郁/苦恼/ | oppressive /残/刻/虐/压制性的/压迫的/沉重的/ | oppressively /压迫地/沉重地/

oppressive 词典解释

1. (社会、法律、习俗等)压迫的,压制的,暴虐的,不公的
    If you describe a society, its laws, or customs as oppressive, you think they treat people cruelly and unfairly.

    e.g. The new laws will be just as oppressive as those they replace.
    e.g. ...refugees from the oppressive regime.

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2. (天气、空气等)闷热的,难以忍受的
    If you describe the weather or the atmosphere in a room as oppressive, you mean that it is unpleasantly hot and damp.

    e.g. The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out...
    e.g. The little room was windowless and oppressive.

3. 令人心情沉重的;让人感到压抑的;使人苦恼的
    An oppressive situation makes you feel depressed and uncomfortable.

    e.g. ...the oppressive sadness that weighed upon him like a physical pain.

oppressive 单语例句

1. The only relief we can find in the confines of the oppressive cityscape are the few public parks.

2. The unusually hot and humid weather continued yesterday in Beijing with locals having a hard time dealing with the oppressive heat.

3. " He helped to support an oppressive regime that did incalculable damage to America and abroad, " Gordon later wrote in the Los Angeles Times.

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4. I soon learned that multiple gluttonous chunks of crisp, succulent watermelon are the perfect thirst quencher and antidote to the oppressive heat.

5. They still want to believe China is an oppressive and negative power, especially when it comes to the Tibet autonomous region.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. They do not want to return to the days of a brutal, oppressive regime.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Crews working at the site toiled under oppressive conditions as the heat index soared to 110 degrees and toxic vapors emanated from the depths.

8. The oppressive heat that routinely pushes temperatures above 120 is responsible for Iraq's famous date crop.

9. It was chosen by Emperor Kangxi in 1703 as a haven from the oppressive summer heat of the Forbidden City.

10. A masked vigilante only known as " V " conducts terroristic raids on the oppressive police.

oppressive 英英释义


1. marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior

    e.g. the oppressive government
           oppressive laws
           a tyrannical parent
           tyrannous disregard of human rights

    Synonym: tyrannical tyrannous

2. oppressive的解释

2. weighing heavily on the senses or spirit

    e.g. the atmosphere was oppressive
           oppressive sorrows