
oracular [əˈrækjələ(r)]  [ɔˈrækjəlɚ, oˈræk-] 

oracular 基本解释


形容词神谕的; (陈述)庄严的,难解的

oracular 网络解释

1. 神论似的:oracle 神谕 | oracular 神论似的 | oral cavity 口腔

2. 神论的:ora /奥拉风/ | oracular /神论的/ | oral /口头的/口述的/口说的/口的/口头/

3. 神逾的;意义模糊的:使完善 Optimize | 神逾的;意义模糊的 Oracular | 清唱剧 Oratorio

4. 神谕的,意义模糊的:vernacular 方言、土语 | oracular 神谕的,意义模糊的 | spectacular 壮观的

oracular 单语例句

1. oracular在线翻译

1. I am asked how an ancient Chinese oracular system can possibly be relevant to my very modern life.

oracular 英英释义



1. resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought

    e.g. the oracular sayings of Victorian poets
           so enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it
           an enigmatic smile

    Synonym: enigmatic

2. obscurely prophetic

    e.g. Delphic pronouncements
           an oracular message

    Synonym: Delphic

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. of or relating to an oracle

    e.g. able by oracular means to expose a witch